
Investing in the resiliency of Atlantic Indigenous communities 

We are here to help you reach your business goals

Ulnooweg offers many tools geared at the small business owner. You may not think of yourself as a business person but, if you make something to be sold to others and you are paid directly for your work, then you are a business person! Similarly, if you provide a service to others and get paid for that service, you are operating a business.

Often people don’t recognize that they are in business because they may not make a lot of money doing what they do, they may hold down a job, or they only sell services to friends and family. If you are earning money by selling goods such as crafts, artwork, beadwork, drums or baked goods or if you paint homes, build decks, make furniture, landscape or perform other services, then you are in business!

It does not matter if people pay you cash, by cheque or if you trade your work in exchange for the services of others, you are a business person.

If you are a business person, then this page is for you!

Client Inquiry Form

Complete & submit this form to get in touch with your Ulnooweg Team Member for the next steps!

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Business Support Services

Ulnooweg goes beyond funding to help you with business planning, financial projections, and more.

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Small Business Toolkit

Our Business Tools are here to help you take the next steps in realizing your business dreams!

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Projects & Events

Our initiatives help Indigenous communities and businesses in many ways, from workshops to awards shows.

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